I honestly am having a moment. I feel like no matter how freaking hard I try - this Celiac Disease has one up on me :(
I have given in and now I am trying probiotics and Digestive Enzymes. Anything remotely starchy makes my stomach swell and so does Gabby's. I purchased the kid version of what I am taking, and she is fine with the digestive enzymes, as they dissolve in juice and make it effervescent. She despises the chewable probiotics but likes the papaya enzymes chewable. Looking for another version of the probiotics for her. She is a trooper.
I am in a seriously foul mood and despite being 100000% gluten free - feel like for every step I take, I fall back 6. I had a pity party for myself today and thought horrible thoughts about the 10,000,000 doctors I have been treated by for over 3 decades - and not a one diagnosed this. Stupid medical profession.
I am eternally optimistic tat I will get to the bottom of what will fix what ails me... I sure don't feel confident in the medical profession at this moment in time.
OK - pity party is over.
I have some theories for you girl.. You still have my number?? I have been through this (still go through on occasion) and have a bunch of info I could share with you.. *HUGE HUG* Hang in there.. Mel